Are We There Yet?

So, for better or for worse (for the quality of the book, it’s better. For my sanity…yeah) my deadline is now sometime between now and when my editor gets up Sunday morning.

I’m glad of the extra time. I still have lots I want to tweak and wiggle to make the story come alive.

On the other hand…

Captain Janeway of Voyager with an exasperated expression, thinking "if I hear one more 'are we there yet?'"

Around here, we’re a bit impatient to be moving on. Not to mention the cats are looking forward to the day when it doesn’t take a forced-body-block of the monitor plus desperate meows to get food placed in their bowl.

Captain Janeway may be able to handle Q without breaking a sweat, but I bet even she is no match for a pampered kitty worried he’s not loved because he can see *gasp* bowl-bottom through the last few bits of food.

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