And I Think to Myself…

Today I’m pondering a site redesign. Not of the blog (probably) because I like it lots, but could use a makeover. And since it’s time for a major CMS upgrade anyway, it’s gonna get it. This also means a new template, so my lovely parchment will be going away, sigh.

Last night I drew up a site map and considered what should be on the site and where it should go. Today I made a Scrivener project to get the text in place, so the update should (one hopes!) be both swift and painless. Scrivener is awesome for the job because I can make sections and categories just like in Joomla!, so I can easily see what I’ve done and what I still need to do.

Scrivener is awesome for many, many jobs. 🙂

Anyway, that’s what I’m up to. Here’s a cool video of awesome stuff.


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