I’m Stealing Namibia

Or at least the Namib Desert.

Here’s the deal–if you’ve hung around here at all, you know that I like to do things differently. When I came across the dare in the NaNoWriMo Fantasy forums to write a fantasy set somewhere “not pseudo-medieval pseudo-Europe,” I didn’t need the hint. It was already In the Plan.

I mean, look at this place! The dunes can rise 300m from the desert floor. The place gets more moisture from fog than rain.

Fog. Which is one of the things that led to the Namib Desert bordering the Skeleton Coast.

Apparently what with the current and the shifting shoreline and the fog, many a sailor has left his bones on the Skeleton Coast.

The place has desert-adapted elephants who dig wells. It has salt storms. It has shipwrecks, seal colonies, amazing scenery, and so many, many ways for people who don’t know better to get themselves in trouble.

Also, it has sunshine and lots of it, so no one would question why a person wraps himself head to toe in cloth and one never sees his skin.


So yeah. Stealing Namibia. Sorry ’bout that.

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