From the Files of Random and Win

First, search terms I am delighted led persons to my blog:

Mayan Shaolin Monk

semi naked cowboys

Welcome, o persons of inquiring mind!

Second: I was looking for something today, and conditions being favorable (meaning I didn’t have too much stuff piled in front of my file cabinet) the search led into my files which were a mess. They are somewhat less messy now (no, I didn’t find it) and also about six hundred pieces of paper lighter.

Gems found in my search:

“Now that I have my pen put back together–note to self: no matter how much time needed to think, do not take pen apart.”

An old to-do list labeled “things to consider actually doing at some point.”

Notes for a Supernatural fanfic I never wrote. It’s a crossover, meant to be a Christmas present for my beloved former roomie. It may still happen! Imagine Sam, Dean, and a bunch of other slash couples stuck in a mall on Christmas Eve. 😀

Notes for an SGA fanfic I never wrote.

Six handwritten pages of the “crisis” (it’s nothing like a crisis) from Knight Errant‘s first draft, dated 12/2/00, which is way back when Taro and Rafe were “Fenta” and “Tani” and not very much like the men they evolved into. Holy smokes, is that writing bad…

Things learned/relearned:

Wow, my muses are random.

Sometimes I will do anything to avoid the manuscript slog.

Organizing files chronologically is not helpful. We will NEVER remember which universe we dabbled in when.

I wrote an awful lot of bad fiction before I finished that first novel.

Just because I remember writing it and I never throw notes/writing away, doesn’t mean I will ever find it again so probably I should set a limit on how long I will spend looking for things.

Dust makes my nose itch.

My inner Indiana Jones is convinced there are more treasures in there than I’ve yet uncovered.

Related: My inner optimist never gives up on any story, ever.

In other news:

I have done better about playing on the internet since last week’s declaration. I can’t say I’ve been better about housework or remembering to promote. I did pretty good watching the food intake this week. I spent more money than I should have. I still want to go to Machu Picchu.

Joss is Not Right, but he cracks me up and I love him and now I’m gonna go edit some more. 😀

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