
How cool is this?  Blog-City came up with another toy for me.  Linkblogs.  With a click, I can show you what odd corners of the internet I’ve wandered off to this time.

hee hee, this is awesome.  So should you care to know, look over to the right.  It’ll display the last three.  I haven’t figured out how to make it display my description instead of the name of the site–which isn’t always explanatory–but I will.  If there’s a way.  And if I get around to it.

I think I just figured out where internet trolls come from.  They were once perfectly normal people who got sucked into the internet and lashed out when they realized they suddenly had no life.  Heh.  Can’t understand that at all…

Anyway.  God only knows what all will turn up over there, I do wander far and wide.  So–Catch o’ the Day, anyone?

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