Pageantry and Pornography

/?pæd??ntri/ [paj-uhn-tree]
1. spectacular display; pomp: the pageantry of a coronation.
2. mere show; empty display.
3. pageants collectively; pageants and the performance of pageants.

Guys. Seriously. Glenn Beck? Rush Limbaugh? It’s entertainment. It’s shock-jocks in politics. Like Geraldo and Jerry Springer, they don’t say it because it’s true, they say it to get you to watch.

And this crap is tearing our country apart. How many of you really believe it’s okay to yell “faggot” at a gay man who doesn’t agree with you, or “nigger” at a black man voting his conscience?

Seriously, do you think that’s okay?

Like pornography, like FML, like I Can Has Cheezburger, a person’s choice in entertainment affects them in ways they probably don’t even notice and certainly never intended. Try it. Spend some time on I Can Has Cheezburger and see if you don’t start thinking in LOLspeak.

It’s time to come back now. Come on. Let’s talk again. I’ll make you tea if you promise not to throw it at me. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

2 thoughts on “Pageantry and Pornography”

  1. I watch entertainment style news … it’s just of the slightly more substantive and truthful variety.

    1. I <3 Jon Stewart. I've evaluated his effect on me, and find that he makes me think. I'm fine with that. XD

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