Colorblind Doesn’t Help

So apparently it’s Blog Against Racism Week, and having been out of it for most of the last week and a half with what I thought might be pneumonia but is apparently going away so maybe not…

Yeah. Especially since I started this post and had some vaguely connecting thoughts coming together, and then my browser crashed and I lost it all.

So let me just say the little bit I can remember (helped by the title that stuck around). Being “colorblind” doesn’t help. You, pretending that black woman with her own culture and her own place and proud heritage is just like any white girl walking down the street? That’s not cool. Humanity is a brilliant, amazing kaleidoscope of beauty, and acting like we’re all the same is kinda dumb.

Is it that fucking hard to just treat a person with respect, without making them “one of us” to do it?  Because you know when you say you treat everyone the same–if you even manage to live up to that standard, it means you’re treating everyone like one of you.

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