Why I Still Won’t Buy at Amazon

I was going to write a long, carefully thought out post that would wow you with my logic and stun you with my persuasive abilities.

So I haven’t blogged in weeks because I wasn’t ready to write that. That’s okay. You can read about it here, where it’s explained why the “glitch” isn’t just a glitch.

The issue with #AmazonFail isn’t that a French Employee pressed the wrong button or could affect the system by changing “false” to “true” in filtering certain “adult” classified items, it’s that Amazon’s system has assumptions such as: sexual orientation is part of “adult”. And “gay” is part of “adult.” In other words, #AmazonFail is about the subconscious assumptions of people built into algorithms and classification that contain discriminatory ideas.

Also, this is interesting: AmazonFail–10 Unanswered Questions. I’d like the answers too. This follow-up also makes some excellent points.

Also on the Amazon Fail Whale: Why Kindle may not be your best option. Srsly. They can make it (pretty nearly) a doorstop with the press of a button.

All of these things, every last one, can be debated, I’m sure. And so can this one, but it’s the one I’m standing by–Amazon is so big it’s driving others out of business, and I don’t trust them to be my sole provider of anything. Who knows what they’ll try to protect me from next?

Powell’s Books has tons of stuff, excellent customer service, a free shipping offer after a certain amount, and their free-shipping is faster than Amazon’s. Not to mention they’re just lovely people. I’m still looking for a safe place to buy DRM-free music, though.

So. There it is. My big Amazon Still Sucks post. Next time, back to the writing! Yay!

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