After Midnight

So.  I updated the blog a bit, as promised.  And good heavens!  They’ve certainly made it easier for me to do!  There are a few oddities it will take time to wrap my head around, but with luck the next build will help with them.

Exercised, yes, if you count chasing the child around.  We finally got everything out of her room.  So my room, the kitchen, and the living room are cluttered–but she has room to dance.

This is due to the sneaky mommy method.  Tomorrow we’ll go through a box or a bag and divide it into three–go away, put away, and hide away.  Go away, of course, goes away.  Put away–she only gets to put away as much as will fit neatly in her room.  Hide away will go in the storage area–and if she doesn’t miss it in a month, it’ll creep a bit farther away. Like, to the garbage.  I couldn’t believe all the carp that kid had in her room!

House–yes.  Worked on that, while chasing her around and in the kitchen a bit too, while I could still walk through it.

Writing–only a teeny bit.  But I’m astonished it happened at all, with everything else that was going on.

I’d write a bit now, but it’s nearly 0200, and I have to go somewhere tomorrow.  Sigh.  (yes, I know, family and friends and all that–but after four days of cleaning MY house, I’m going to friend’s to help clean his.  Last time I did that his carpet murdered my vacuum cleaner!)

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